Photography Studio Grand Opening

It is only appropriate that the first post on the new blog is to announce some super exciting news…..we have moved the studio~ to 309 East Main Street Turlock Ca~ Lots of work went into changing the ceiling and layout of the office that has sat empty for years!  Thank you to Barrett Construction.  They did a great job on a really short timeline!!! Thank you to my friend Dave Royalty for getting us started and assisting with the floor installation… sorry I broke your back and made you work so hard.  It would not have happened without you and your hardwork. I could not have done this with out Craig and Calvin~ they  busted their butts to finish the floors and move all of my props, computers , and all of the other stuff!!!  They have also been soo busy making special custom furniture pieces that are sooo beautiful I will hate to see them sell. My Dad and Mom came from Arizona for a week and worked on the beautiful barn door …. it is perfect… even if it has extra screws in it.  Ha..Ha..  They also helped me with the finishing touches…..hanging pictures. I am soooo excited to […]